
Fostering Foundations

In collaboration with Cabrillo College, Santa Cruz County provides Fostering Foundations, a required pre-service training for prospective foster and adoptive parents. Foundations classes are comprised of six, two-hour sessions, and offered throughout the year. Participants are introduced to the knowledge and skills needed to become effective foster and adoptive parents. They also are provided with the information to make an informed decision about fostering or adopting. Classes are free and must be completed before placement of children into your home can be considered.

Training topics include:

  • Working with the child welfare system
  • Meeting a child’s developmental needs, particularly in the areas of attachment, loss, and discipline
  • The importance of family connections and permanency

SPARK: “Successfully Parenting At-Risk Kids”

Santa Cruz County also offers SPARK training, which addresses the unique needs of children born with alcohol or drug exposure, or with substance abuse issues in their family of origin.

SPARK sessions cover the following topics:

  • Effects of drug and alcohol exposure on children
  • Effective parenting techniques for children affected by substance abuse, including early intervention and environmental accommodations
  • Information about addiction and recovery

These classes are free.

La Manzana Community Resource Center

The La Manzana Community Resource Center in Watsonville provides parent education classes including the "Triple P" Positive Parenting Program, which teaches parenting strategies and tools. Classes may be one-on-one or in a group setting. Other training's including family, nutrition and leadership are available.

Live Oak Family Resource Center

The Live Oak Family Resource Center offers continuing education classes on such topics as parent/child classes, positive discipline, and mentoring youth - just to name a few. For more information about training opportunities offered through La Manzana or the Live Oak Family Resource Center, contact the Resource Family Liaison at: (831) 476-7284, ext. 102 or (831) 724-2997, ext. 213.